The “Share Ideas” section is a place to post information hospitals are doing to increase moral, holiday suggestions or staff activities. This section will serve as an idea board for readers to use within their organization. Any and all ideas are welcomed and should be sent to Jennifer at [email protected].
Brenda Bell, Executive Assistant | Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center shared:
Poplar Bluff Regional held a Super Bowl party for staff who were working during the game. Big screen tv’s were set up in the cafeteria where game foods were offered (Nachos, wings, etc.). Staff were encouraged to come down for a break and catch up on the score and enjoy some game snacks; this was a big hit with staff.
Poplar Bluff Regional is also raising money for community non-profit organizations by allowing staff to pay $20 per month to wear jeans on Friday. Clinical staff can purchase PBRMC t-shirts and wear these with their scrubs on Fridays. A donation is made monthly to previously selected charities in our community. For February we designed and sold a specific shirt for staff to purchase and all proceeds are going to the American Heart Association.